Disclaimer: There are endless hours that could be spent discussing this topic. This particular blog addresses only how I feel homosexuality and Christianity are in tension with each other. I do not intentionally address the issue of whether or not it is a sin, although some of my personal beliefs can be read into it. As you read, think about what else you would add to this, how you think Christians should treat the LGBT community (whether or not you are a Christian), and how to make a positive change.
It’s terrible the way Christians have treated the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community. How did I come to this conclusion? It happened quite a few years ago, but I fully recognized it as I was being trained at P.F. Chang’s. The person training me spoke openly about his boyfriend, and how he once dated a girl because that’s what he thought he was supposed to do, and how when he came out he finally felt free to be himself. Then, inevitably, my second job came up and he asked what I did. I was hesitant to admit to him that I worked at a church.* And that was when it struck me that Christians, in general, do not treat the LGBT community well. Why else would I be so hesitant to announce my second job? And how terrible is it that the one place that should be a safe haven for all has become, in so many ways, the enemy of LGBT persons? What would it mean for Christians to change that?
See, here we get into the age old debate of whether or not homosexuality is a sin. It seems like a choice must be made. I am somewhere in that grey area, endlessly going back in forth in what I believe, and I have discovered that grey doesn’t fly well in Christian circles. Here is what I believe: I believe you do not choose your sexual orientation. (Did any of us ever wake up and decide, “I think I’ll go ahead and be straight”?) I believe sexual orientation (and really anything else for that matter) has no power to dictate who God’s love is extended to. I believe that you can be a practicing homosexual and still love and serve God. I believe that the LGBT community deserves the same rights that straight people have. That is why they are rights. I believe that Christians, no matter what they believe about the topic, need to welcome any stranger, regardless of lifestyle, leaving behind our judgment and condemnation. If we are to call ourselves “Christ-followers” then we better start walking in his footsteps. We are called to LOVE.
This is what I propose: I propose that our first step is to love. The second is to be allies. About a year and a half ago a group came to APU’s campus called Soul Force. The group was made up of young men and women (both LGBT and straight) who considered themselves allies of the LGBT community. I had the privilege of being one of the student ambassadors and much of our time together was spent discussing what it meant to be an ally of the LGBT community. Here’s a shameful example of what an ally is NOT. A year or so ago I was in the car with some people and the topic came up and they started BASHING homosexuals like I had never heard. They were saying how much they hated those “fags” and how they should all just die. I’ve never heard something so ugly. Because the main speaker in all of this was a stranger, I said nothing. (But really, her being a stranger is just an excuse, and I will have to answer for that.) Some would say that by not egging the person on I was doing my duty, but I say that is not enough!
Honestly people, this is not a rhetorical question: WHY? What makes “them” so “different”? Simply because we have all bought into a social norm and they break the mold? Some of you are likely to say that it is sinful and that it should be changed. I am open to your arguments and opinions on the topic, but I believe Christ said, “COME AS YOU ARE.” Let the Spirit speak into the heart of a man or a woman, but let us not be the ones to judge who gets to experience the Spirit. We are sinners too. There is nothing worse, I believe, than turning someone off from the love of God. And we will be held accountable for that.
Friends, I am still figuring out how to be an ally. I thank the Lord that my friend at work did not immediately start bashing Christians the second I told him I was one. Prayerfully, God will guide me to be an example of love and peace for my friend regardless of any prior experiences with Christians.
The issue I address is not whether or not homosexuality is a sin. I think the issue is whether or not we submit our opinions to God and allow HIM to be the judge of us all and in the meantime: LOVE GOD AND LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR.
I welcome your thoughts and opinions. This is what is on my mind, but a pretty concise version of some things I believe. Please feel free to challenge me, correct me, agree with me, disagree with me. And if you’d like, I’d be happy to post any feedback on my blog. This is a topic that I am extremely passionate about because enough LGBT neighbors have been hurt by Christians. I think it’s time that changed.
“Peace is a product of justice, but justice is not enough. Love is also necessary. The love that makes us feel like we are brothers and sisters is properly what makes for true peace. Peace is the product of justice and love.” – Oscar Romero
*I’m extremely proud of what I do, and I truly believe that God is at work at K2 and with the students I minister to. I would never be ashamed of God entrusting me with his children.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The rantings continue... Sorry.
Okay... So I know you are all so sick of me ranting about my spiders. One day I will stop and write something more profound and thought provoking. Until then...
Upon realizing that Herman and other equally large eight legged insects might actually be hobos or brown recluses (both extremely poisonous), I decided it would be in my best interest to move out of the basement. Tonight is the first night I will be spending in the upstairs room (notably cooler and spider free). Shortly hereafter, I will move the rest of my things up here, and Tricia and I will clean the basement like crazy, bug bomb the crap out of it, and hopefully then it will be suitable to live in.
So update on other things: I'll be living here at Tricia's through October. That's wonderful because the only thing I don't like about living here are the spiders. Other than that, Tricia is great to live with. I couldn't have asked for something better. In November, I'll be moving in with some friends and that will be great as well. Jill moves out here on Friday and I feel so incredibly blessed by God in how he has provided for me. And I have also gotten to see his provision over my friends as well.
Things at K2 are going to start picking up really soon and I can't wait. At the moment I'm feeling overwhelmed by it, but I know that when I sit down and focus it's going to be great! Again, God is SO good. I have been so blessed by the people I've been able to meet. In the staff meeting yesterday, we went around the room and each person was encouraged by someone else. I wanted to encourage every single staff member because they have all had an impact on my move out here. One family in particular I really feel God has blessed me with are the Brumms. Jason and Jen and their kids Isaac and Emma are so great. God is so good and so faithful. How could I ever have thought otherwise? Job 38 was a good reminder of who's in control. You should read it!
I also start training at P.F. Chang's this week. I'm not looking forward to training because it will be 8 hour shifts for five days, but after that it should get better. The great thing about SLC is that downtown is so accessible. I really think you should all come visit because you would all find something about it you'd love! Okay... once again, someday I'll write something truly profound and you'll leave me 749274897 comments because you just won't believe how it stirred your intellect. Until then... Peace out!
P.S. It's thundering outside. So cool.
Upon realizing that Herman and other equally large eight legged insects might actually be hobos or brown recluses (both extremely poisonous), I decided it would be in my best interest to move out of the basement. Tonight is the first night I will be spending in the upstairs room (notably cooler and spider free). Shortly hereafter, I will move the rest of my things up here, and Tricia and I will clean the basement like crazy, bug bomb the crap out of it, and hopefully then it will be suitable to live in.
So update on other things: I'll be living here at Tricia's through October. That's wonderful because the only thing I don't like about living here are the spiders. Other than that, Tricia is great to live with. I couldn't have asked for something better. In November, I'll be moving in with some friends and that will be great as well. Jill moves out here on Friday and I feel so incredibly blessed by God in how he has provided for me. And I have also gotten to see his provision over my friends as well.
Things at K2 are going to start picking up really soon and I can't wait. At the moment I'm feeling overwhelmed by it, but I know that when I sit down and focus it's going to be great! Again, God is SO good. I have been so blessed by the people I've been able to meet. In the staff meeting yesterday, we went around the room and each person was encouraged by someone else. I wanted to encourage every single staff member because they have all had an impact on my move out here. One family in particular I really feel God has blessed me with are the Brumms. Jason and Jen and their kids Isaac and Emma are so great. God is so good and so faithful. How could I ever have thought otherwise? Job 38 was a good reminder of who's in control. You should read it!
I also start training at P.F. Chang's this week. I'm not looking forward to training because it will be 8 hour shifts for five days, but after that it should get better. The great thing about SLC is that downtown is so accessible. I really think you should all come visit because you would all find something about it you'd love! Okay... once again, someday I'll write something truly profound and you'll leave me 749274897 comments because you just won't believe how it stirred your intellect. Until then... Peace out!
P.S. It's thundering outside. So cool.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I wish spiders could read English…
…Because I would post signs in my room saying, “If I find you, you will die.”
The whole spider thing is seriously out of control. Today there was a 10 minute stand off between me and a spider. The only reason I won was because I didn’t want it nesting somewhere else in my room. Because that’s right… it made a nest in my shirt and duffle bag. This guy was not messing around. So ten minutes later, knees and hands shaking, I whacked it. 5 whacks later, it finally stopped moving. So here’s the thing: I like where I live, I like Tricia, but I don’t like spiders. So the sooner I can move, the better! And my mom told me that now is the time spiders come indoors looking for winter housing. YUCK! Keep praying, my wonderful friends and family. I don’t like insects with 8 legs.
In other news, life in Utah is settling in. Salt Lake City is definitely becoming home, and people let me tell you, God is listening to your prayers! I can’t even believe how much this past week differed from the week before. Jesus is way cool! Today I met with one of the junior high leaders and her story and testimony were sooo encouraging and such a huge reminder of why I came to Utah. If you’d like to ask me about it, please do. I feel like my job is really taking off and I’ve been given the opportunity to really take ownership over my responsibilities. I meet and more and more of the kids everyday and they’re awesome!
Tonight, we went to help out with the Dreamcenter. It was so great being a part of that. The senior high group as well as a ton of adult volunteers went out to one of the apartment complexes that the Dreamcenter works with and we gave away backpacks and school supplies for over 100 children. It was incredible!
More about Salt Lake… everything here makes me think about you guys. All the artsy, spunky, independent coffee shops remind me of my sister; the cute clothing boutiques remind me of Nicole; all the bridal stuff reminds me of, of course, Julia; the Utah trax system reminds me of riding the metro with Jo; and all things related to living situations remind me of the wonderfulness of Steph, Lindsey and CFox. (Miss you girls.) Basically, I just miss all you guys a ton a ton a ton! So you all should just come visit me!
Prayer requests: of course there is the whole spider epidemic (I won’t walk barefoot on my carpet just in case), but also my computer has been on the fritz lately and I can’t afford a new one. Jill is supposed to be out here pretty soon so please be praying for job openings for her and God’s continued guidance is bringing her here. I definitely need focus and keep praying that God would provide community and last but not least, I have had three interviews for a serving position at P.F. Chang’s downtown so hopefully I’ll be hearing from them soon.
Love you guys so much and miss you all!
The whole spider thing is seriously out of control. Today there was a 10 minute stand off between me and a spider. The only reason I won was because I didn’t want it nesting somewhere else in my room. Because that’s right… it made a nest in my shirt and duffle bag. This guy was not messing around. So ten minutes later, knees and hands shaking, I whacked it. 5 whacks later, it finally stopped moving. So here’s the thing: I like where I live, I like Tricia, but I don’t like spiders. So the sooner I can move, the better! And my mom told me that now is the time spiders come indoors looking for winter housing. YUCK! Keep praying, my wonderful friends and family. I don’t like insects with 8 legs.
In other news, life in Utah is settling in. Salt Lake City is definitely becoming home, and people let me tell you, God is listening to your prayers! I can’t even believe how much this past week differed from the week before. Jesus is way cool! Today I met with one of the junior high leaders and her story and testimony were sooo encouraging and such a huge reminder of why I came to Utah. If you’d like to ask me about it, please do. I feel like my job is really taking off and I’ve been given the opportunity to really take ownership over my responsibilities. I meet and more and more of the kids everyday and they’re awesome!
Tonight, we went to help out with the Dreamcenter. It was so great being a part of that. The senior high group as well as a ton of adult volunteers went out to one of the apartment complexes that the Dreamcenter works with and we gave away backpacks and school supplies for over 100 children. It was incredible!
More about Salt Lake… everything here makes me think about you guys. All the artsy, spunky, independent coffee shops remind me of my sister; the cute clothing boutiques remind me of Nicole; all the bridal stuff reminds me of, of course, Julia; the Utah trax system reminds me of riding the metro with Jo; and all things related to living situations remind me of the wonderfulness of Steph, Lindsey and CFox. (Miss you girls.) Basically, I just miss all you guys a ton a ton a ton! So you all should just come visit me!
Prayer requests: of course there is the whole spider epidemic (I won’t walk barefoot on my carpet just in case), but also my computer has been on the fritz lately and I can’t afford a new one. Jill is supposed to be out here pretty soon so please be praying for job openings for her and God’s continued guidance is bringing her here. I definitely need focus and keep praying that God would provide community and last but not least, I have had three interviews for a serving position at P.F. Chang’s downtown so hopefully I’ll be hearing from them soon.
Love you guys so much and miss you all!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Life hasn't quite began yet...
Well. One week in Utah under my belt. Granted, it hasn’t been what a normal week in Utah is going to be like, but I definitely enjoyed it. The staff retreat was amazing! I got to meet all the staff and their families. We went hiking, played board games, made s’mores, hung out in the rain, etc. I had some amazing conversations with people, made some friends, and feel so incredibly blessed with where God has placed me. The entire week, I couldn’t help but praise God that of all the places he could have brought me, this is where I get to serve, and these are the people I get to serve with. This staff is made up of some of the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure to be around. I honestly cannot put into words how wonderful they are. I can’t believe I get to be a part of this!
Joy and Nathan’s wedding was such a pleasure to be at. The drive to Granby wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. The location was prime, and it was great to be around friends and be celebrating with Joy and Nathan as they start their life together. The wedding did, however, make me homesick. I really missed being around my friends and seeing so much family activity made me miss my family terribly! I feel better, but I know that there will be times where missing home will hit me bad.
This is where the wedding was

Yesterday, I went to an event that Standing Together put on. It was a worship gathering in downtown Salt Lake. About 1000 people came out to worship Jesus and it was a wonderful encouragement and reminder of why I moved to Utah in the first place.
All in all, I am feeling pretty tired, but excited to get life underway. This week should give me a better understanding of what I’m in for. I was having some trouble with the internet at the house, but I got that fixed. AND… (drum roll please)… PICTURES!
Gotta get some caffeine in me!!

Driving along... sooooo bored!

Goodbye California. Hello Nevada. (That's the state line just so you know.)

Almost there with my little Neon stuffed full!!!

Time to unload.....

And more stuff...

It was such a beautiful place!



Natalie, Shannon, Emma and me. Natalie and Emma are my new best friends!

Sooo... that's about it for now. Thanks for checking in. Can't wait to start posting more as real life kicks in. Vacations over. Time to make Utah home!!!
P.S. Herman is still MIA. I appreciate your prayers!
Joy and Nathan’s wedding was such a pleasure to be at. The drive to Granby wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. The location was prime, and it was great to be around friends and be celebrating with Joy and Nathan as they start their life together. The wedding did, however, make me homesick. I really missed being around my friends and seeing so much family activity made me miss my family terribly! I feel better, but I know that there will be times where missing home will hit me bad.
This is where the wedding was

Yesterday, I went to an event that Standing Together put on. It was a worship gathering in downtown Salt Lake. About 1000 people came out to worship Jesus and it was a wonderful encouragement and reminder of why I moved to Utah in the first place.
All in all, I am feeling pretty tired, but excited to get life underway. This week should give me a better understanding of what I’m in for. I was having some trouble with the internet at the house, but I got that fixed. AND… (drum roll please)… PICTURES!
Gotta get some caffeine in me!!

Driving along... sooooo bored!

Goodbye California. Hello Nevada. (That's the state line just so you know.)

Almost there with my little Neon stuffed full!!!

Time to unload.....

And more stuff...

It was such a beautiful place!



Natalie, Shannon, Emma and me. Natalie and Emma are my new best friends!

Sooo... that's about it for now. Thanks for checking in. Can't wait to start posting more as real life kicks in. Vacations over. Time to make Utah home!!!
P.S. Herman is still MIA. I appreciate your prayers!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
My first few days in Utah
Hey everyone!
So upon the advice of some of those I love, I decided to start a blog. I promise nothing. I’m not sure I have anything profound to say, but that’s all right. I started my blog to keep those of you who are interested up to date with my life in Utah. So if you are interested, please read and comment and share thoughts. If not, I don’t take offense. So… where to begin?
Sunday, July 29. I woke up around 6:00am California time, finished some last second packing and hit the road. Of course, I only made it about two blocks before I remembered I had forgotten something. I got some gas and some caffeine (the most important thing) and drove to Pasadena. I stopped at Jo and Todd’s place, said “hi” and “bye” and then really hit the road.
About 11 hours later I ended up in Salt Lake City, Utah. 8:30pm mountain time. I was going to meet the youth pastor, Ryan, and his wife, Klarissa at Red Lobster and then they were going to take me to the home I’m staying at. When I go to Red Lobster, Erik and Deborah were waiting for me. I didn’t know I was going to see them so it was a total surprise! Then Ryan and Klarissa arrived, then Robyn, then Lenee, then Bonnie and Danny, and then we went to my new home where I met Tricia (who I am living with), Josh and Leigh (who go to K2 and volunteer with the youth), Tyler (who also goes to K2), and Millie (the Chesapeake Bay Retriever who also lives with me). A bit later on, Paul arrived. It was quite the welcome wagon and I was so happy and excited to see old friends and make new ones.
After hanging out at Tricia’s for awhile everyone left and Tricia and I got to talk a bit more. Tricia is a lawyer out here and her, Josh and Leigh helped to start the youth group at K2. She is so nice and hospitable, and I’m so grateful to be staying with her for a couple months. We got to know each other a bit, I got a grand tour of the house and then we went to sleep. I finally hit the mattress around 11:30pm.
Monday, July 30. I woke up, checked my email, took a shower and headed out to find Standing Together/K2. Everything in SLC is on a grid system so it’s pretty easy to find things, but it does take some getting used to, and I’m still working on it. I did find Standing Together without a problem and then Robyn, Paul and I went and got some lunch. After that, I visited Heidi and Roxy (my favorite Pomeranian in Utah), and then I ran errands. I know… what an exciting day. That night, I had dinner at The Gateway with Daniel and Heidi.
Tuesday, July 31. Today I got to experience my first K2 staff meeting. It was so much fun! I got to meet most of the staff and hear about what’s going on with the different ministries and everything. The staff meeting used to be this mythical event that I heard about, but never participated in. It was great to be around such wonderful people and feel like I’m a part of something so much bigger than me. Tonight, I went to Vertical (the junior high youth group) for the first time. The turnout wasn’t so great, but that was okay with me because I got to meet a few of the students, and will meet more next week. It was fun, but it was a reminder that my dodgeball skills need some brushing up on.
So… the layout: SLC is sooo HOT! I passed a thermometer the other day that read 104! Every time I get out of my car I start to melt. That’s all right. I’ll get used to it. And I can’t wait until September when the leaves start to change! Today I leave for the staff retreat which goes through Saturday. I’m really looking forward to that. It’s up in the mountains and all the staff and their families will be there. And… I get to camp! Saturday morning I’m heading up to Colorado to see some good friends of mine get married, and then Sunday I’m heading back here to Salt Lake. SOOOOOO much driving. I think when Sunday night hits I’ll be so ready to never drive again!
So thanks for reading my first blog. I know it was a lot of information, but there’s so much going on at the moment. I’ll post pictures soon of where I’m living and my drive out and stuff. By the way, seeing the beautiful Wasatch Front never gets old. I’ll keep everyone posted on my life. Thanks for prayers, support, random thoughts, and encouragement that you all have given me. I couldn’t have made this move without you guys having my back!!!
P.S. My address is…
1042 Elgin Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Oh yah... if you're wondering what you can pray for, here's something: Yesterday while unpacking I came face to face with the biggest spider I have ever seen in my life. I am not joking when I tell you that it's body was the size of a nickel, and with its legs, it was almost as long as a playing card. I screamed, ran for a shoe, and when I came back it was running behind a box. It was so big it needed a name so I named it Herman. After youth group, Josh and Leigh came over and we went hunting for it, but Herman was nowhere to be found. Needless to say, sleep did not come easy last night. So... please pray that Herman either turns up dead, or I never have to set eyes on his hairy, eight legged body ever again!!!!!!
So upon the advice of some of those I love, I decided to start a blog. I promise nothing. I’m not sure I have anything profound to say, but that’s all right. I started my blog to keep those of you who are interested up to date with my life in Utah. So if you are interested, please read and comment and share thoughts. If not, I don’t take offense. So… where to begin?
Sunday, July 29. I woke up around 6:00am California time, finished some last second packing and hit the road. Of course, I only made it about two blocks before I remembered I had forgotten something. I got some gas and some caffeine (the most important thing) and drove to Pasadena. I stopped at Jo and Todd’s place, said “hi” and “bye” and then really hit the road.
About 11 hours later I ended up in Salt Lake City, Utah. 8:30pm mountain time. I was going to meet the youth pastor, Ryan, and his wife, Klarissa at Red Lobster and then they were going to take me to the home I’m staying at. When I go to Red Lobster, Erik and Deborah were waiting for me. I didn’t know I was going to see them so it was a total surprise! Then Ryan and Klarissa arrived, then Robyn, then Lenee, then Bonnie and Danny, and then we went to my new home where I met Tricia (who I am living with), Josh and Leigh (who go to K2 and volunteer with the youth), Tyler (who also goes to K2), and Millie (the Chesapeake Bay Retriever who also lives with me). A bit later on, Paul arrived. It was quite the welcome wagon and I was so happy and excited to see old friends and make new ones.
After hanging out at Tricia’s for awhile everyone left and Tricia and I got to talk a bit more. Tricia is a lawyer out here and her, Josh and Leigh helped to start the youth group at K2. She is so nice and hospitable, and I’m so grateful to be staying with her for a couple months. We got to know each other a bit, I got a grand tour of the house and then we went to sleep. I finally hit the mattress around 11:30pm.
Monday, July 30. I woke up, checked my email, took a shower and headed out to find Standing Together/K2. Everything in SLC is on a grid system so it’s pretty easy to find things, but it does take some getting used to, and I’m still working on it. I did find Standing Together without a problem and then Robyn, Paul and I went and got some lunch. After that, I visited Heidi and Roxy (my favorite Pomeranian in Utah), and then I ran errands. I know… what an exciting day. That night, I had dinner at The Gateway with Daniel and Heidi.
Tuesday, July 31. Today I got to experience my first K2 staff meeting. It was so much fun! I got to meet most of the staff and hear about what’s going on with the different ministries and everything. The staff meeting used to be this mythical event that I heard about, but never participated in. It was great to be around such wonderful people and feel like I’m a part of something so much bigger than me. Tonight, I went to Vertical (the junior high youth group) for the first time. The turnout wasn’t so great, but that was okay with me because I got to meet a few of the students, and will meet more next week. It was fun, but it was a reminder that my dodgeball skills need some brushing up on.
So… the layout: SLC is sooo HOT! I passed a thermometer the other day that read 104! Every time I get out of my car I start to melt. That’s all right. I’ll get used to it. And I can’t wait until September when the leaves start to change! Today I leave for the staff retreat which goes through Saturday. I’m really looking forward to that. It’s up in the mountains and all the staff and their families will be there. And… I get to camp! Saturday morning I’m heading up to Colorado to see some good friends of mine get married, and then Sunday I’m heading back here to Salt Lake. SOOOOOO much driving. I think when Sunday night hits I’ll be so ready to never drive again!
So thanks for reading my first blog. I know it was a lot of information, but there’s so much going on at the moment. I’ll post pictures soon of where I’m living and my drive out and stuff. By the way, seeing the beautiful Wasatch Front never gets old. I’ll keep everyone posted on my life. Thanks for prayers, support, random thoughts, and encouragement that you all have given me. I couldn’t have made this move without you guys having my back!!!
P.S. My address is…
1042 Elgin Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Oh yah... if you're wondering what you can pray for, here's something: Yesterday while unpacking I came face to face with the biggest spider I have ever seen in my life. I am not joking when I tell you that it's body was the size of a nickel, and with its legs, it was almost as long as a playing card. I screamed, ran for a shoe, and when I came back it was running behind a box. It was so big it needed a name so I named it Herman. After youth group, Josh and Leigh came over and we went hunting for it, but Herman was nowhere to be found. Needless to say, sleep did not come easy last night. So... please pray that Herman either turns up dead, or I never have to set eyes on his hairy, eight legged body ever again!!!!!!
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