Sunday, April 6, 2008

Going back to college to work at a college

I love Utah. Specifically, I love Salt Lake City, I love my roommates, I love my students, and I love my church. I've told many of you that one of the hardest things to do was leave Moorpark Pres. I loved that church and spent twenty years of my life making that home. K2 was a rough transition because it was like starting from scratch. Just over 8 months later, I can honestly say that that place is home. I am blessed to have such amazing, humble, and good hearted leadership and especially to be working under them. The people I know there have quickly become my family. All I can say is God is good, and I don't know where I'd be without the K2 community.

My students continually amaze me. I am awed by the ways in which I've gotten to see them grow, and incredibly thankful to God that He has allowed me to be a part of their lives. Crazy... However, I have decided that youth ministry at a church is not where I belong full time. But...

About a month ago I got to talking with someone at church and it turned out that she is on orientation staff at the University of Utah (aka "The U"). As soon as she told me what she did I lit up. "Orientation staff?!" Many of you know that I loved being on orientation staff at APU with Alpha. There are two things that I did in college where I know God was calling me and I felt he was really able to use me. Those two things were Utah ministry and Alpha. I asked Michelle if we could meet up and talk about her job. We got together this past week and I just asked her question after question about her job at the U and the other universities she's worked at. I asked her about her grad program, getting jobs in higher education and pretty much everything under the sun.

After my time with her, I feel really good about going back to grad school and getting my master's in a higher education/student affairs program. This summer I'm focusing on taking the GRE, looking into different schools (right now I'm looking at the U, Portland State University, and Colorado State University), and continuing to pray for God's guidance and affirmation in this endeavor. If I decide this is what I want then I'll be heading to grad school - wherever that may be - in the fall of 2009.

So that's my life! Can you see me working in higher education? I welcome any input.


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