Okay.. I know it's been forever since I last wrote!! Update?
Well, Robyn, Jill and I moved into our new place in Salt Lake City. It's pretty close to downtown. New address:
654 Ely Place
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
We've been there since the end of October, and it's still coming along, but definitely looking more like home. I do miss living with Tricia though. The bummer thing about our new place is our loud loud loud neighbors and their loud loud loud dog! Also, I don't have internet there so if you send me emails it may be a bit before I can get back to you. I'll post pictures of the new place soon too!
K2: I don't know what to say to update on K2 except for that it keeps getting better. My students are amazing, but I am constantly learning how to best love them and teach them. It's true that you learn so much more through experience than through the books. I still dont' know if this is what I want to do forever, but for the moment God is using my job to teach me so much. I'm soaking up the wisdom.
PF Chang's: I wish I would have more time, but I like working there for the most part. It gets tiring though. And I wish I had more time with my students. More time to devote to K2. But I really feel like I've been blessed with that job even if my managers are crazy.
I'm looking forward to winter. It's supposed to start getting a lot colder out here and it's supposed to storm on Sunday. Maybe get some real snow!! Bring it on Utah! The leaves out here are beautiful, but they are all falling on top of my car. But I love the crunch crunch sound when you walk over them. Seriously... real seasons are awesome!
My mom is coming to visit me this weekend as well. I'm really excited to see her and get a bit of home. My sister coming at the end of October was amazing! I miss her so much. It was great to spend time with her.
I'll try to update some more later with pictures. Sorry I don't get to update very often! Miss you all a lot!